You know you've been there before; high above the deck, palms sweating and rock slipping from your grasp...no doubt you were Cruxn! Now there is a new website that takes the sweat and panic out of it and just provides you with some new perspective, beta or a review of the current local climbing scene...and it too is called Cruxn (.com that is). If you're at all familiar with local climbers that blog, then you know of Frixtion, Matt Paden's website. Matt, along with a couple of other dedicated bloggers/local climbers have created a place that multiple bloggers can join together and provide more content and info on what's happening nearby. Here's a quote from Frixtion and what Matt has to say about this project...
"Cruxn.com has been a collaborative effort with Matt de Camara and Zachary Lesch-Huie. We wanted to come up with a better way for climbing bloggers to pool together and increase readership and community. We found it gets kinda lonely blogging out there solo.
So check out the site and let us know what you think. We encourage anyone who is blogging now or wants to blog about climbing to join us on Cruxn. There are no rules for how much you post, and you can keep on bloggin' on yer own blog. We're just trying to increase each blogger's awareness and make a central place for everyone to get together, which increases the amount of conversation. So far, it's been really fun and we're psyched on the response we've been hearing.
For more info, check out the about page at http://cruxn.com/about/"
If you havent checked it out already, then you've missed some great posts so far...click on over there and catch up! I was asked to write for the site also and have only been able to put up one post so far, but I'm really looking forward to getting some things out and on the Cruxn site for folks to see.
Thanks for the post, Brad! We're glad to have you on board Cruxn.com