Well, I hope everyone had a great Thanksending holiday & had a chance to get out and do some bouldering. I was able to get out almost everyday and climb until I had bruised my tips! I started the break with a couple of trips up to the Bearfields to finish up Dancin' Bones, a tough V5/soft V6 that I almost had a heart attack in the middle of sending, and I also FA'ed another V5 that I called Black Clouds. Dancin' Bones was one of my biggest projects for this season, so it was good to get that monkey off my back, and the Black Clouds FA was a sweet addition to the tick list.
After these 2 trips, I took 4 trips out to climb at Little Eastatoee to bulk up the tick list out there. If you haven't checked these boulders out yet...what are you waiting for? This is what everyone has been e-mailing me and asking about...good, solid, fun bouldering in SC! A couple of the trips, I went out by myself, and 2 of the trips I had some company with me. Over these 4 sessions, we cleaned and sequenced about 15 or so new routes from Vb to V5. Some of the top routes so far at Little Eastatoee are:
V0-Super Scooper
V1-Kang Solo or The Guillotine
V2-The Finger or Old & In The Way
V4-Elephant Back
V5-Jerry's Beard
Super Scooper is a gem of a V0 and the 2 V1's are both worthy ticks. The real quality routes start with the V2's...both V2's are fun routes that should be on every one's list (both feel a little soft for V2 also). The true 3 star routes are at V3 & above...Rhodorete is possibly the best V3 in SC, Elephant Back is one of my all time favorite V4 routes I've ever set, and Jerry's Beard is one of the best bouldery boulder problems in the area...all of these routes are top quality and just waiting for folks to come and send! I really enjoy developing new areas and this area has definitely got me hooked right now.
I've also updated Rockclimbing.com's route database with info on all of the routes so far, and I'm in the process of making a topo that folks can use to navigate around the area a little better. If anyone is interested in climbing out at Little Eastatoee sometime, shoot me an e-mail and I'll try to meet up and show you around...I only live a slow 5 minutes from the boulders. Enjoy the new routes!
Yeah Rhodorete's V3... *cough*
ReplyDeleteI uploaded some pictures to flickr, here's the link to my page.
I'd say the right side top out to Rhodorete is a HARD V3:) The direct top out should go at around a V4-V5. Super Classic (sandbag)!!! Fun, none the less, to flail on:)
ReplyDeleteThanks for the picture link!
I would back you up on the V2's being a little soft, maybe they merit a 1+/2-?